The following are some common everyday foods that can help your body fight off the onset of various health ailments and diseases.
DiabetesArtichokes, black beans or spinach
A rich source of magnesium. US scientists at Tufts University found raising your intake of these combats insulin resistance.
Heart DiseaseRed grapefruit
Research shows that simply eating one red grapefuit a day can lower your LDL cholesterol by as much as 20% in four weeks.
Gum DiseaseYogurt
Japanese studies found its lactic acid attacks and destroys gum-damaging bacteria.
High Blood PressureDark Chocolate
Research found that as little as 6g of dark chocolate a day can significantly lower blood pressure in four months.
CancerBrazil nuts
Natural selenium supplements add them to your daily diet and your colon-cancer risk could drop six-fold.
- Anonymous said...
November 22, 2008 at 5:40 AMI am stoked I found your blog, i really like this article...I ranked it for you- Anonymous said...
November 22, 2008 at 6:44 AMYep all good sound advice...I agree with your earlier post about how we need to be inclusive in our diets rather than simply reductive, This post kinda backs up that point.- HEALTH NUT WANNABEE MOM said...
November 26, 2008 at 9:34 PMWhat a super blog! I love the dark chocolate and Brazil nuts and will fully take advantage of their health benefits!